Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 90–98
Efimov K.N., Ovchinnikov V.A., Yakimov A.S.
Numerical study of the influence of spherically blunted cone oscillations during a supersonic air flow on the characteristics of the conjugate heat and mass transfer
This work examines the action of the fluctuations of a body in a supersonic air flow on coupled heat and mass transfer in a heat-protection material in the presence of injected thermochemical destruction products and heat and mass transfer between the body and the incoming flow. The results of a numerical study of a spatial supersonic flow near a spherically blunted cone oscillating in the pitch plane are presented. The influence of the oscillations of a body with angular velocity of $0$–$100$ deg/s on the surface temperature and heat transfer characteristics is considered.
Article reference:
Efimov K.N., Ovchinnikov V.A., Yakimov A.S. Numerical study of the influence of spherically blunted cone oscillations during a supersonic air flow on the characteristics of the conjugate heat and mass transfer, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 90
Efimov K.N., Ovchinnikov V.A., Yakimov A.S. Numerical study of the influence of spherically blunted cone oscillations during a supersonic air flow on the characteristics of the conjugate heat and mass transfer, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 90