Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 121–127
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.R.
Influence of phase transitions on the propagation of acoustic waves in multifractional gas suspensions with polydispersed inclusions
The propagation of acoustic waves in multifraction mixtures of gas with vapor, drops, and solid particles is studied with allowance for interphase mass transfer. The dispersed phase consists of $M + 1$ fractions with different sizes of inclusions and distribution functions of inclusions by size and material. A system of integro-differential equations of the motion of a multifraction polydisperse mixture is presented. A dispersion relation generalizing the previously known relations is obtained. The dependences of the relative speed of sound and the damping decrement at a certain wavelength on the dimensionless disturbance frequency are plotted with allowance for the interphase mass transfer. The influence of interphase heat and mass transfer and phase friction on the damping decrement is analyzed.
Article reference:
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.R. Influence of phase transitions on the propagation of acoustic waves in multifractional gas suspensions with polydispersed inclusions, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 121
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.R. Influence of phase transitions on the propagation of acoustic waves in multifractional gas suspensions with polydispersed inclusions, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 121