Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 46–48
Ismailov Sh.M., Orakova S.M., Isaev Z.A., Yakh'yaeva Kh.Sh.
Thermal properties of polycrystalline $n$-$\rm CdSnAs_2$ in a temperature range of $300$–$800$ K
The paper presents the results of a study of the temperature dependences of the specific heat capacity $c_p$, thermal diffusivity $\alpha$, and thermal conductivity $\lambda$ of polycrystalline $\rm CdSnAs_2$ with $n$-type conductivity. The possible mechanisms of thermal conductivity in the studied temperature range are analyzed. It is shown that the main mechanisms of heat transfer for polycrystalline $n$-$\rm CdSnAs_2$ are electronic, bipolar, and phonon. It was found that the phonon component of thermal conductivity, which is calculated as the difference between the total thermal conductivity and the electronic and bipolar components of thermal conductivity, decreases with temperature faster than according to the law $\lambda_{\rm r} \sim T^{-1}$.
Article reference:
Ismailov Sh.M., Orakova S.M., Isaev Z.A., Yakh'yaeva Kh.Sh. Thermal properties of polycrystalline $n$-$\rm CdSnAs_2$ in a temperature range of $300$–$800$ K, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 46
Ismailov Sh.M., Orakova S.M., Isaev Z.A., Yakh'yaeva Kh.Sh. Thermal properties of polycrystalline $n$-$\rm CdSnAs_2$ in a temperature range of $300$–$800$ K, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 46