Short Communications
2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 138–141
Aleksandrov V.D., Frolova S.A.
Formation of nuclei with vacancies during the crystallization of supercooled melts
This work analyzes the change in the Gibbs free energy during the formation of nuclei with vacancies from melt. Formulas to determine the dimensions $l_{\rm k}$ of the critical nuclei and the work $A_{\rm k}$ of their formation with respect to the concentration of vacancies and supercooling are obtained. The difference between $l_{\rm k}$ and $A_{\rm k}$ for real nuclei and $l^{\rm id}_{\rm k}$ and $A^{\rm id}_{\rm k}$ for ideal nuclei is shown.
Article reference:
Aleksandrov V.D., Frolova S.A. Formation of nuclei with vacancies during the crystallization of supercooled melts, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 138
Aleksandrov V.D., Frolova S.A. Formation of nuclei with vacancies during the crystallization of supercooled melts, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 1. P. 138