Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2021. V. 59. № 2. P. 148–155
Loktionov I.K.
Equation of state for a liquid with double exponential potential
A simple method for the approximation of the integrand in the integral representation of the free energy of a system of particles with two-particle interactions admitting a Fourier expansion is proposed, based on which the equation of state of a with a double exponential potential liquid is obtained without laborious calculations. The found temperature dependences of the equilibrium thermodynamic properties appropriately describe the corresponding experimental data. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on the example of a model with double Yukawa potential.
Article reference:
Loktionov I.K. Equation of state for a liquid with double exponential potential, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 2. P. 148
Loktionov I.K. Equation of state for a liquid with double exponential potential, High Temp., 2021. V. 59. № 2. P. 148