Plasma Investigations
2008. V. 46. № 6. P. 763–767
Shepelenko A.A., Fomin E.V.
Increasing the concentration of singlet delta oxygen in discharge products by adding NO2 to oxygen
The possibility is considered of increasing the concentration of singlet oxygen (SO), which is obtained in a discharge, by way of adding nitrogen dioxide to the starting gas. The presence of NO$_2$ in the mixture must cause the removal of atomic oxygen formed in the discharge and, accordingly, a decrease in the loss of SO. The simulation of the kinetics of the products of dc discharge in a flow of oxygen is used for determining the values of expected increase in the concentration of SO, as well of the concentration of NO$_2$, which are required for attaining the maximal effect. It is demonstrated that, at oxygen pressures of $\sim 6$ torr and higher, the addition of NO$_2$ may produce a double and higher increase in the concentration of SO in regions of post-discharge flow with transport times of $\sim 5$–$10$ ms.
Article reference:
Shepelenko A.A., Fomin E.V. Increasing the concentration of singlet delta oxygen in discharge products by adding NO2 to oxygen, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 6. P. 763
Shepelenko A.A., Fomin E.V. Increasing the concentration of singlet delta oxygen in discharge products by adding NO2 to oxygen, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 6. P. 763