Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2008. V. 46. № 6. P. 835–840
Golitsyna E.V.
Mathematical simulation of temperature field in a hollow rotating cylinder with nonlinear boundary conditions
An analytical solution is obtained of the nonlinear problem on heat conduction in a hollow infinite cylinder in view of the temperature dependence of its thermophysical characteristics. Results are given of calculations of temperature field for the roll of machine for continuous casting of slabs.
Article reference:
Golitsyna E.V. Mathematical simulation of temperature field in a hollow rotating cylinder with nonlinear boundary conditions, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 6. P. 835
Golitsyna E.V. Mathematical simulation of temperature field in a hollow rotating cylinder with nonlinear boundary conditions, High Temp., 2008. V. 46. № 6. P. 835