Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 645–648
Tumataeva B.B., Kasenova Sh.B., Kasenov B.K., Mustafin E.S., Sagintaeva Zh.I., Davrenbekov S.Zh.
Heat Capacity and thermodynamic functions of $\text{DyMe}^{\text{II}}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}(\text{Me}^{\text{II}}$ – $\text{Mg}$, $\text{Ca})$ in the range from $298.15$ to $673$ K
The calorimetric method is used to investigate the heat capacity of $\text{DyMe}^{\text{II}}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}(\text{Me}^{\text{II}}$ – $\text{Mg}$, $\text{Ca})$ chromites in the range from $298.15$ to $673$ K. The $C^0_p \sim f(T)$ curves exhibit $\lambda$-like effects at $348$, $548$ К for $\text{DyMe}\text{Mg}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}$ and at $473$ K for $\text{DyMe}\text{Ca}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}$, which apparently relate to second-order phase transitions. The temperature dependences are calculated for thermodynamic functions $C^0_p(T)$, $H^0(T) - H^0(298.15)$, $S^0(T)$ and $\Phi^{**}(T)$.
Article reference:
Tumataeva B.B., Kasenova Sh.B., Kasenov B.K., Mustafin E.S., Sagintaeva Zh.I., Davrenbekov S.Zh. Heat Capacity and thermodynamic functions of $\text{DyMe}^{\text{II}}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}(\text{Me}^{\text{II}}$ – $\text{Mg}$, $\text{Ca})$ in the range from $298.15$ to $673$ K, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 645
Tumataeva B.B., Kasenova Sh.B., Kasenov B.K., Mustafin E.S., Sagintaeva Zh.I., Davrenbekov S.Zh. Heat Capacity and thermodynamic functions of $\text{DyMe}^{\text{II}}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}(\text{Me}^{\text{II}}$ – $\text{Mg}$, $\text{Ca})$ in the range from $298.15$ to $673$ K, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 645