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Issue index |
Issue index
- Yu. V. Polezhaev's Jubilee
Plasma Investigations
- The interaction between plasma jet of a capillary discharge and transverse supersonic air flow
580Ershov A.P., Kolesnikov E.B., Timofeev I.B., Chernikov V.A., Chuvashev S.N., Shibkov V.M.
- The dynamics of expansion of gas and condensed particles under conditions of local laser heating of metal surface
588Kuznetsov N.M., Karasevich Yu.K.
- The effect of plasma-generating gas pressure on the parameters of activated thermionic cathode
595Tsydypov B.D.
- The formation of a multichannel structure of surface discharge in noble gases
601Trusov K.K.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- A laser optoacoustic method of inducing high-energy states and the investigation of phase transitions in metals at high pressures
613Karabutov A.A., Kaptil’ni A., Ivochkin A.
- The modified Simon equation and some properties of substances on the melting line
621Faizullin M.Z., Skripov V.P.
- An investigation of metastable states of binary mixtures in the neighborhood of spinodal using the integral equation method
628Fakhretdinov I.A., Zhdanov E.R.
- The correlation between electrical resistivity of metals and thermal deformation
632Palchaev D.K., Murlieva Zh.Kh., Kazbekov K.K.
- The optical properties of high-porosity calcium fluoride ceramics
639Moiseev S.S., Petrov V.A., Stepanov S.V.
- Heat Capacity and thermodynamic functions of $\text{DyMe}^{\text{II}}\text{Cr}_2\text{O}_{5.5}(\text{Me}^{\text{II}}$ – $\text{Mg}$, $\text{Ca})$ in the range from $298.15$ to $673$ K
645Tumataeva B.B., Kasenova Sh.B., Kasenov B.K., Mustafin E.S., Sagintaeva Zh.I., Davrenbekov S.Zh.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- The effect of turbulence on steady and unsteady spontaneous condensation of steam in transonic nozzles
649Avetisyan A.R., Zaichik L.I., Filippov G.A.
- The wave characteristics of a nonisothermal film of liquid under conditions of jets forming on its surface
657Chinnov E.A., Nazarov A.D., Saprykina A.V., Zhukovskaya O.V., Serov A.F.
- The shock-wave mechanism of spontaneous ignition of hydrogen under conditions of sudden efflux from reservoir at high pressure
665Bazhenova T.V., Bragin M.V., Golub V.V., Ivanov M.F.
- Calculation of radiative-convective heat transfer in the combustor of diesel engine
673Kavtaradze R.Z., Gaivoronskii A.I., Fedorov V.A., Onishchenko D.O., Shibanov A.V.
- An investigation of the characteristics of conjugate heat and mass transfer under conditions of injection of gas and thermochemical destruction of a body subjected to flow
681Zinchenko V.I., Efimov K.N., Yakimov A.S.
- The evolution of an aerosol cloud under conditions of diffusion mixing with gas
688Bayanov I.M., Khamidullin I.R., Shagapov V.Sh.
- Equations of dynamics and heat transfer of incompressible liquid in Cartesian-helical coordinates
694Tokarev Yu.N., Komov A.T.
- Experimental investigations of a closed-loop oscillating heat pipe
703Dmitrin V.I., Maidanik Yu.F.
- Studies into the modification of the composition of impurities of natural quartz particles in a dispersed plasma flow
708Borisov L.A., Grishin Yu.M., Gulin E.N., Kairyak A.D., Kozlov N.P., Kutyrev M.V.
- Determination of the characteristic velocities of a set of hydrodynamic equations for bubble flow
713Kantsyrev B.L.
- Thermal evolution of a fan submitted to high temperature in a confined environment
717Laraqi N., Mar?a J.M.Garc?ade, Ba?ri A.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- A $200$–$500$-W transformer-type inductive light source operated at a frequency of $150$–$400$ kHz
725Popov O.A., Chandler R.T.