Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 688–693
Bayanov I.M., Khamidullin I.R., Shagapov V.Sh.
The evolution of an aerosol cloud under conditions of diffusion mixing with gas
The one-dimensional problem of mixing of aerosol with gas, accompanied by phase transitions, is solved in a self-similar formulation. The evolution of temperature and concentration fields is studied as a function of the initial temperatures of aerosol and gas, as well as of the particle density of vapor in gas. The options are analyzed of mixing of aerosol with cold and warm gas, as well as with superheated vapor.
Article reference:
Bayanov I.M., Khamidullin I.R., Shagapov V.Sh. The evolution of an aerosol cloud under conditions of diffusion mixing with gas, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 688
Bayanov I.M., Khamidullin I.R., Shagapov V.Sh. The evolution of an aerosol cloud under conditions of diffusion mixing with gas, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 688