
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 708–712
Borisov L.A., Grishin Yu.M., Gulin E.N., Kairyak A.D., Kozlov N.P., Kutyrev M.V.
Studies into the modification of the composition of impurities of natural quartz particles in a dispersed plasma flow
Results are given of experimental investigations of the efficiency of removal of impurities (enrichment) from natural quartz particles during their interaction with an argon plasma jet of a stationary electric-arc plasma generator. Based on the results of analysis of these data and of the results of theoretical modeling of the dynamics of heating the particles, it is demonstrated that the enrichment of quartz particles is observed under conditions of their dynamic heating $(\sim5 \times 10^5$ K/s) to temperatures above a certain (threshold) level $T_{m.\text{thr}} = 700$–$800$ K. It is found that, under optimal thermal conditions (the heating of particles to $T_{m.\text{opt}} = 1000$–$1400$ K), the overall coefficient of enrichment of quartz by the plasma-chemical method has a value of $\sim$3, and particular coefficients of enrichment in Ca, Al, and Fe reach values of $5$–$10$ and higher.
Article reference:
Borisov L.A., Grishin Yu.M., Gulin E.N., Kairyak A.D., Kozlov N.P., Kutyrev M.V. Studies into the modification of the composition of impurities of natural quartz particles in a dispersed plasma flow, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 5. P. 708