Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 296–301
Protasov M.V., Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F., Polyakov A.F.
Analysis of the possibility of using laser Doppler anemometer for the investigation of highly dust-laden flows
The capabilities of laser Doppler anemometer are investigated from the standpoint of measurement of the velocity of particles of a highly concentrated heterogeneous flow. The dependences of the key characteristics of Doppler signal on the mode of flow are analyzed. The parameters of heterogeneous flow, in the case of which a laser Doppler anemometer may be employed, are determined experimentally.
Article reference:
Protasov M.V., Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F., Polyakov A.F. Analysis of the possibility of using laser Doppler anemometer for the investigation of highly dust-laden flows, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 296
Protasov M.V., Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F., Polyakov A.F. Analysis of the possibility of using laser Doppler anemometer for the investigation of highly dust-laden flows, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 296