Short Communications
2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 302–305
Anokhin E.M., Ivanova T.Yu., Kudryavtsev N.N., Pancheshnyi S.V., Starikovskii A.Yu., Sych V.E.
An experimental investigation of the spectral composition of radiation behind the shock-wave front in a $\mathrm{CO_2}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$–$\mathrm{Ar}$ mixture
Experiments are performed to determine the spectral distribution of radiation in $\mathrm{CO_2}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$ and $\mathrm{CO_2}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$–$\mathrm{Ar}$ mixtures in a microwave discharge and behind the front of incident shock wave at velocities up to $7.5$ km/s. It is demonstrated experimentally that the spectral region of vacuum ultraviolet makes a significant contribution to radiation.
Article reference:
Anokhin E.M., Ivanova T.Yu., Kudryavtsev N.N., Pancheshnyi S.V., Starikovskii A.Yu., Sych V.E. An experimental investigation of the spectral composition of radiation behind the shock-wave front in a $\mathrm{CO_2}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$–$\mathrm{Ar}$ mixture, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 302
Anokhin E.M., Ivanova T.Yu., Kudryavtsev N.N., Pancheshnyi S.V., Starikovskii A.Yu., Sych V.E. An experimental investigation of the spectral composition of radiation behind the shock-wave front in a $\mathrm{CO_2}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$–$\mathrm{Ar}$ mixture, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 302