Short Communications
2005. V. 43. № 3. P. 476–478
Mil'man O.O., Fetisov D.O.
Visualization of Flow under Conditions of Natural Circulation in Heated Pipes
The paper deals with the results of visual investigations of the physical processes occurring under conditions of natural circulation in heated inclined pipes. An explanation is given of the maximum of heat transfer under conditions of laminar flow.
Article reference:
Mil'man O.O., Fetisov D.O. Visualization of Flow under Conditions of Natural Circulation in Heated Pipes, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 3. P. 476
Mil'man O.O., Fetisov D.O. Visualization of Flow under Conditions of Natural Circulation in Heated Pipes, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 3. P. 476