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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Crystallization of Colloidal Plasma: Model of Charge Renormalization with Addition of Salt
315Allakhyarov E.A., Triger S.A.
- Electrostatic Potential of Charged Macroparticles in Plasma under Conditions of Thermal Equilibrium
322D'yachkov L.G.
- Contact Diagnostics of High-Velocity Flows of Rarefied Plasma
335Shuvalov V.A., Kochubei G.S., Priymak A.I., Reznichenko N.P., Tokmak N.A., Lazuchenkov D.N.
- Calculation of the Threshold Power of Optical Breakdown during Interaction between a Laser Pulse and Droplets of Dielectric Liquid
344Volkov K.N., Emelyanov V.N.
- Numerical Investigation of the Effect of the Cathode Geometry on the Characteristics of an Electric Arc
352Urusov R.M., Urusova T.E.
- The Effect of a High-Voltage Diffuse Gas Discharge on Microbiological Cultures
361Buranov S.N., Voevodin S.V., Voevodina I.A., Zubeev P.S., Karelin V.I., Repin P.B., Selemir V.D., Usacheva S.Yu.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- An Experimental Investigation of the Density of Bismuth in the Condensed State in a Wide Temperature Range
368Stankus S.V., Khairulin R.A., Mozgovoi A.G., Roshchupkin V.V., Pokrasin M.A.
- Interfullerene Interaction and Properties of Fullerites
379Magomedov M.N.
- The Magnetic Dependence of the Debye Temperature of a Ferromagnet
391Bodryakov V.Yu., Povzner A.A., Safonov I.V.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- The Effect of Radiative-Convective Heat Transfer on the Formation of Current Layer
396Vasil'ev E.N., Nesterov D.A.
- Collisions of Bidisperse Particles under Conditions of Isotropic Turbulence
404Zaichik L.I., Simonin O., Alipchenkov V.M.
- An Axisymmetric Flow of a Mixture of Real Gases with a Condensing Component
419Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L.
- Turbulent Free-Convection Boundary Layer on a Vertical Heated Plate: Regularities of the Temperature Layer
429Koleshko S.B., Lapin Yu.V., Chumakov Yu.S.
- Filtration-Wave Heating of Porous Media
441Filippov K.A.
- The Outflow of a Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Mixture from the Mixing Head of a Gas Generator when Starting a Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine
446Belyaev E.N., Chvanov V.K., Chervakov V.V.
Short Communications
- Visualization of Flow under Conditions of Natural Circulation in Heated Pipes
476Mil'man O.O., Fetisov D.O.