Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 55–60
Izmaylova G.R., Kovaleva L.A., Nasyrov N.M.
Acoustic wave energy absorption and distributed heat sources upon an acoustic impact on media
The absorption of acoustic wave energy by media and the occurrence, in that connection, of distributed heat sources are investigated. The distribution of the totality of heat sources for the case of impact on an oil bed by high frequency electromagnetic and acoustic fields is considered. Comparative graphic charts of distribution of the heat sources produced by these fields separately and in total are provided, and the results obtained are analyzed.
Article reference:
Izmaylova G.R., Kovaleva L.A., Nasyrov N.M. Acoustic wave energy absorption and distributed heat sources upon an acoustic impact on media, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 55
Izmaylova G.R., Kovaleva L.A., Nasyrov N.M. Acoustic wave energy absorption and distributed heat sources upon an acoustic impact on media, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 1. P. 55