Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 775–780
Gubarev V.Ya., Shatskikh Yu.V.
Heat Transfer between a Gas-Droplet Medium and a High-Temperature Surface
A one-dimensional problem is treated, which is associated with heat conduction under conditions of contact between a finely divided gas-droplet medium with a highly heated surface when the temperature of the gas phase exceeds significantly the temperature of the liquid phase. Criterional equations are obtained for the calculation of the coefficient of heat transfer from a surface to a gas-droplet medium. Estimates are made of the time of complete evaporation of droplets and of the thickness of vapor-gas layer in the vicinity of the surface. The obtained results may be used to investigate the processes of cooling a metal.
Article reference:
Gubarev V.Ya., Shatskikh Yu.V. Heat Transfer between a Gas-Droplet Medium and a High-Temperature Surface, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 775
Gubarev V.Ya., Shatskikh Yu.V. Heat Transfer between a Gas-Droplet Medium and a High-Temperature Surface, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 775