Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 781–790
Kalinchak V.V., Zui O.N., Orlovskaya S.G.
The Effect of the Temperature and Diameter of Porous Carbon Particles on the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions and Heat and Mass Transfer with Air
The effect of intrapore reactions on the characteristics of high-temperature heat and mass transfer between porous carbon particles and air as a function of their temperature and diameter is analyzed in view of Stefan flow.
Article reference:
Kalinchak V.V., Zui O.N., Orlovskaya S.G. The Effect of the Temperature and Diameter of Porous Carbon Particles on the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions and Heat and Mass Transfer with Air, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 781
Kalinchak V.V., Zui O.N., Orlovskaya S.G. The Effect of the Temperature and Diameter of Porous Carbon Particles on the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions and Heat and Mass Transfer with Air, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 781