Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2004. V. 42. № 4. P. 581–586
Devyatko Yu.N., Rogozhkin S.V.
Sublimation of cobalt in the neighborhood of the curie point
The results of experiments in sublimation of cobalt in the neighborhood of the Curie point are analyzed. The kinetics of sublimation are described under conditions of permanent evacuation of the gas phase of cobalt. A magnetic model is suggested, which makes it possible to derive a quantitatively correct correlation between the Curie point and exchange splitting for $\mathrm{Ni}$ and $\mathrm{Co}$. The contribution of magnetic interactions to the energy of sublimation of monatomic magnetic is calculated.
Article reference:
Devyatko Yu.N., Rogozhkin S.V. Sublimation of cobalt in the neighborhood of the curie point, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 4. P. 581
Devyatko Yu.N., Rogozhkin S.V. Sublimation of cobalt in the neighborhood of the curie point, High Temp., 2004. V. 42. № 4. P. 581