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Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- A model of turbulent near-wake flow in a glow discharge
501Gembarzhevskii G.V., Generalov N.A.
- The transport properties of hot electrons in a xenon/methane mixture
506Atrazhev V.M., Dmitrenko V.V., Chernysheva I.V.
- Transverse electric discharges in supersonic air flows: Mechanisms of discharge propagation and instability
516Ershov A.P., Surkont O.S., Timofeev I.B., Shibkov V.M., Chernikov V.A.
- Dynamics of a toroidal plasma cluster and its interaction with an obstacle. Ionization and dynamic characteristics and electromagnetic radiation
523Repin A.Ju., Stupitsky E.L., Shapranov A.V.
- An energy source based on a spiral magnetic-flux compression generator with simultaneous axial initiation of an explosive charge
539Kravchenko A.S., Vilkov Y.V., Yuryzhev A.S., Saitkulov M.M., Brusnigin I.M.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Isobaric heat capacity of binary solutions of methyl and $n$-hexyl alcohols at high pressures
545Bashirov M.M., Naziev Ya.M.
- Boundary conditions in the theory of generalized hydrodynamic equations
552Alekseev B.V.
- Self-consistent thermodynamic description of a nonmetallic nonferromagnetic solid (using silicon as an example)
565Bodryakov V.Yu., Povzner A.A.
- Investigation of the temperature limits of polymorphous transformation in $\mathrm{Zr}-1\%\mathrm{Nb}$ alloy under different thermal conditions
574Peletskii V.E., Petrova I.I., Samsonov B.N.
- Sublimation of cobalt in the neighborhood of the curie point
581Devyatko Yu.N., Rogozhkin S.V.
- Heat capacity and electrophysical properties of $\mathrm{Gd}\mathrm{Ca}\mathrm{Cr}_2\mathrm{O}_{5.5}$ chromite
587Davrenbekov S.Zh., Kasenov B.K., Mustafin E.S., Zhumadilov E.K., Edil'baeva S.T., Kasenova Sh.B.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Unsteady-state laminar heat transfer in a rotating disk: self-similar solution
592Shevchuk I.V.
- Heat transfer under conditions of longitudinal laminar flow past chaotically arranged cylinders
596Mozhaev A.P.
- Evaporation condensation in a gas-dust mixture
603Kryukov A.P., Levashov V.Yu., Shishkova I.N.
- Multidimensional kinetics of nucleation in liquid-vapor systems
610Parshakova M.A.
- Filtration of non-newtonian hydrocarbon fluid in a high-frequency electromagnetic field
621Fatykhov M.A.
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
- Bismuth-based gradient heat-flux sensors in thermal experiment
629Sapozhnikov S.Z., Mityakov V.Yu., Mityakov A.V.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- The possibility of using rail-gun arcs for cleaning metal surfaces
639Glinov A.P., Poltanov A.E., Degtev Yu.G., Kondratenko A.K., Ryndin V.N., Simonova G.I.
Short Communications
- A broadband excimer-halogen emitter utilizing xenon bromide and iodide
645Shuaibov A.K., Shimon L.L., Grabovaya I.A.
- The density and partial molar volume of aqueous solutions of nickel nitrate at high parameters of state
648Azizov N.D., Zeinalova A.B.
- A multicomponent fluid system in the critical region in the presence of spatial confinement
652Vasiliev A.N.
- The emergence of shielding effect behind a protective shield under conditions of orbital flight
656Belykh A.V.