Plasma Investigations
2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 425–427
Berezhnov A.V., Khrapak A.G., Illenberger E., Schmidt V.F.
Anomalous mobility of negative charges in liquid hydrogen: A model of ionic bubble
It is demonstrated that the anomalous mobility of electrons injected into liquid hydrogen, observed in the vicinity of the triple point, is associated with the formation of a cavity with a radius of about $5{\mathring{A}}$ around an $\mathrm{H}^-$ ion rather than with the formation of solid-state $(\mathrm{H}_2)_n\mathrm{H}^-$ cluster ions (Atkins icicles) as was previously assumed.
Article reference:
Berezhnov A.V., Khrapak A.G., Illenberger E., Schmidt V.F. Anomalous mobility of negative charges in liquid hydrogen: A model of ionic bubble, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 425
Berezhnov A.V., Khrapak A.G., Illenberger E., Schmidt V.F. Anomalous mobility of negative charges in liquid hydrogen: A model of ionic bubble, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 425