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Issue index |
Issue index
- High Temperature: Forty Years of Studies into the Thermophysical Properties of Materials
419Shpil'rain É.É.
Plasma Investigations
- Line radiation of multiply charged ions with a Fermi–Dirac level distribution of electrons at high temperatures
421Garanin S.F.
- Anomalous mobility of negative charges in liquid hydrogen: A model of ionic bubble
425Berezhnov A.V., Khrapak A.G., Illenberger E., Schmidt V.F.
- The effect of external magnetic field on a vacuum arc
428Prozorov E.F., Ulyanov K.N., Fedorov V.A.
- The generation of compact quasi-spherical plasma formations by an HF inductive discharge
434Dubinov A.E., Zhuravlev S.S., Ivanov M.M., Repin P.B.
- Optical diagnostics of heterogeneous gas-flame flows
438Ivashko V.S., Kostyukevich E.A., Kletsko V.V., Chivel' Yu.A.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- The Gibbs equations for critical phases as a basis for the general theory of critical phenomena
443Novikov I.I.
- The simulation of transformation of graphite to diamond under conditions of dynamic compression in a conic target
447Lomonosov I.V., Fortov V.E., Frolova A.A., Khishchenko K.V., Charakhch'yan A.A., Shurshalov L.V.
- Investigation of the thermal conductivity of methanol–$n$-hexanol mutual solutions at high parameters of state
459Bashirov M.M., Naziev Ya.M.
- Calculation of the electrical conductivity of liquid aluminum, copper, and molybdenum
466Apfelbaum E.M.
- The surface tension of melts of aluminum–indium binary system
472Alchagirov B.B., Chochaeva A.M., Bekulov V.B., Khokonov Kh.B.
- Experimental investigation of the reflectivity of refractory dielectric materials in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region
477Protasov Yu.Yu., Semenov A.M., Shchepanyuk T.S.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- The distribution of phase velocities of heterogeneous flow in the neighborhood of the stagnation point of a blunt body
481Varaksin A.Yu., Ivanov T.F.
- The damping coefficient of a pressure wave under conditions of pulsating turbulent flow of gas in a channel
486Valueva E.P., Kulik A.A.
- Formation of structures of multieddy natural convection in a horizontal layer heated from below
492Ermolaev I.A., Zhbanov A.I.
- Special features in the realization of film boiling on wire heaters. Distilled water
499Zhukov S.A., Afanas'ev S.Yu., Echmaev S.B.
- Deterministic chaos during first-order phase transitions in a liquid–vapor system
510Bystrai G.P., Studenok S.I., Ivanova S.I.
- Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in swirling flows in channels with swirlers (Analytical review)
518Mitrofanova O.V.
Short Communications
- Density and pressure of saturated vapors of liquid sodium–potassium–cesium eutectic
560Mozgovoi A.G., Roshchupkin V.V., Skovorod'ko S.N., Pokrasin M.A., Chernov A.I.