Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 492–498
Ermolaev I.A., Zhbanov A.I.
Formation of structures of multieddy natural convection in a horizontal layer heated from below
The Galerkin finite-element method is used to investigate the structures of supercritical thermogravitational convection in an elongated plane horizontal layer of a liquid with the Prandtl number $\mathrm{Pr}=10$. The solution of the problem with a constant heat-flux density preassigned at the lower boundary is compared to the solution of the problem for the case of boundaries at constant temperature. The results of comparative analysis of convective modes arising under different conditions at the boundaries of the layer and under different initial thermal conditions are given. The mathematical model is provided by two-dimensional unsteady-state equations for natural thermal convection in the Boussinesq approximation that are written in terms of the variables of speed eddy, stream function, and temperature.
Article reference:
Ermolaev I.A., Zhbanov A.I. Formation of structures of multieddy natural convection in a horizontal layer heated from below, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 492
Ermolaev I.A., Zhbanov A.I. Formation of structures of multieddy natural convection in a horizontal layer heated from below, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 4. P. 492