Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2003. V. 41. № 5. P. 665–679
Isaev S.A., Leont'ev A.I.
Numerical simulation of vortex enhancement of heat transfer under conditions of turbulent flow past a spherical dimple on the wall of a narrow channel
Analysis is performed of studies into numerical simulation of a vortex flow and heat transfer in the vicinity of a dimple on a flat wall. To calculate the turbulent regime in a narrow channel with a spherical dimple on one of the walls, a multiblock algorithm for solving the Reynolds and energy equations is used which is based on structured partly overlapping grids and involves the use of the zonal $k$–$\omega$ model of shear stress transfer proposed by Menter. A tornado-like mechanism of enhancement of heat transfer in a spherical dimple of varying depth is analyzed in detail. Special attention is given to the rearrangement of the vortex structure and to a jumplike enhancement of heat transfer from wall with dimples.
Article reference:
Isaev S.A., Leont'ev A.I. Numerical simulation of vortex enhancement of heat transfer under conditions of turbulent flow past a spherical dimple on the wall of a narrow channel, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 5. P. 665
Isaev S.A., Leont'ev A.I. Numerical simulation of vortex enhancement of heat transfer under conditions of turbulent flow past a spherical dimple on the wall of a narrow channel, High Temp., 2003. V. 41. № 5. P. 665