Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2014. V. 52. № 2. P. 198–204
Orekhov N.D., Stegailov V.V.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Graphite Melting
Questions on the behavior of the graphite melting curve have remainned open during the last fifty years. The process of graphite melting in the pressure range of $2$–$14$ GPa is investigated by the method of molecular dynamics using the model of reactive interatomic potential; the dynamics of melting-front propagation upon crystal superheating is considered, and the melting curve is plotted. The self-diffusion coefficient in the liquid phase is determined for the aforementioned pressure range, and the question of the existence of the liquid–liquid phase transition in carbon is considered.
Article reference:
Orekhov N.D., Stegailov V.V. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Graphite Melting, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 2. P. 198
Orekhov N.D., Stegailov V.V. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Graphite Melting, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 2. P. 198