Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2001. V. 39. № 3. P. 388–394
Zaitsev A.I., Shelkova N.E., Litvina A.D., Shakhpazov E.Kh., Mogutnov B.M.
An investigation of evaporation of liquid alloys of iron with copper
The Knudsen method of mass-spectrometry and the integral option of the Knudsen effusion method realized under conditions of ultrahigh oilless vacuum are used in the overall temperature range from $1440$ to $1916$ K to investigate the evaporation of pure iron and copper and of a dilute liquid $\mathrm{Fe}$–$\mathrm{Cu}$ solution with the copper content ranging from $0.17$ to $10.1$ at.$\%$. The obtained data are used to calculate the values of standard sublimation enthalpy for $\mathrm{Fe}$ and $\mathrm{Cu}$, as well as the partial and integral thermodynamic characteristics of liquid alloys of iron with copper. Significant positive deviations from Raoult's law are observed.
Article reference:
Zaitsev A.I., Shelkova N.E., Litvina A.D., Shakhpazov E.Kh., Mogutnov B.M. An investigation of evaporation of liquid alloys of iron with copper, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 3. P. 388
Zaitsev A.I., Shelkova N.E., Litvina A.D., Shakhpazov E.Kh., Mogutnov B.M. An investigation of evaporation of liquid alloys of iron with copper, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 3. P. 388