Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2001. V. 39. № 3. P. 395–400
Safarov D.T., Shakhverdiev A.N.
Investigation of the thermophysical properties of ethyl alcohol + water solutions
The $P$–$\rho$–$T$ and $P_s$–$T_s$ sdependences of ethyl alcohol + water solutions are investigated in wide ranges of the parameters of state. The density measurement error is estimated to be $0.05$–$0.1\%$. The experimental results are given in tabular form and described by respective equations.
Article reference:
Safarov D.T., Shakhverdiev A.N. Investigation of the thermophysical properties of ethyl alcohol + water solutions, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 3. P. 395
Safarov D.T., Shakhverdiev A.N. Investigation of the thermophysical properties of ethyl alcohol + water solutions, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 3. P. 395