Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 674–687
Tkachenko S.I., Khishchenko K.V., Vorob'ev V.S., Levashov P.R., Lomonosov I.V., Fortov V.E.
Metastable states of liquid metal under conditions of electric explosion
The paper deals with the simulation of the initial stage of tungsten wire explosion under the effect of a high-power nanosecond current pulse. The calculations involve the use of a semiempirical equation of state for tungsten, which allows for the effects of melting and evaporation at high temperatures. The laws of conservation that take into account the presence of a magnetic field and relative motion of the media are written at the liquid–vapor interface. It is demonstrated that a description fitting adequately the available experimental data is possible if one takes into account the possibility of realizing metastable states of liquid metal in the process of evolution of the system.
Article reference:
Tkachenko S.I., Khishchenko K.V., Vorob'ev V.S., Levashov P.R., Lomonosov I.V., Fortov V.E. Metastable states of liquid metal under conditions of electric explosion, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 674
Tkachenko S.I., Khishchenko K.V., Vorob'ev V.S., Levashov P.R., Lomonosov I.V., Fortov V.E. Metastable states of liquid metal under conditions of electric explosion, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 674