Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 694–702
Zaichik L.I., Alipchenkov V.M.
Simulation of second moments of fluctuations of the velocity and temperature of particles in equilibrium turbulent flows
An analysis is performed of equilibrium solutions of equations for the second moments of fluctuations of the velocity and temperature of particles in a homogeneous shear flow, in a homogeneous flow subjected to tensile or compressive strain, and in a wall layer. The stability of equilibrium solutions to small perturbations is investigated. Algebraic models are given for turbulent stresses in the dispersed phase.
Article reference:
Zaichik L.I., Alipchenkov V.M. Simulation of second moments of fluctuations of the velocity and temperature of particles in equilibrium turbulent flows, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 694
Zaichik L.I., Alipchenkov V.M. Simulation of second moments of fluctuations of the velocity and temperature of particles in equilibrium turbulent flows, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 694