Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 722–728
Zubkov P.T., Kravchenko V.A., Sviridov E.M.
Simulation of the process of water freezing in a round pipe
The problem of freezing of pure water in a round pipe is treated with due regard for convection under asymmetric thermal boundary conditions in the absence of motion along the pipe. The problem is solved numerically using the control volume approach, SIMPLER algorithm, and the enthalpy method. Results are obtained for three Grashof ($\mathrm{Gr}$) and six Biot ($\mathrm{Bi}$) numbers: $\mathrm{Gr}=1.55\times10^6$, $\mathrm{Bi}=0.305$$(0\le\varphi<\pi)$, $\mathrm{Bi}=0.044$$(\pi\le\varphi<2\pi)$; $\mathrm{Gr}=1.24\times10^7$, $\mathrm{Bi}=0.610$$(0\le\varphi<\pi)$, $\mathrm{Bi}=0.087$$(\pi\le\varphi<2\pi)$; $\mathrm{Gr}=9.89\times10^7$, $\mathrm{Bi}=1.220$$(0\le\varphi<\pi)$, $\mathrm{Bi}=0.174$$(\pi\le\varphi<2\pi)$. The correctness of calculation of the problem disregarding free-convection flows is analyzed.
Article reference:
Zubkov P.T., Kravchenko V.A., Sviridov E.M. Simulation of the process of water freezing in a round pipe, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 722
Zubkov P.T., Kravchenko V.A., Sviridov E.M. Simulation of the process of water freezing in a round pipe, High Temp., 2001. V. 39. № 5. P. 722