Plasma Investigations
2000. V. 38. № 3. P. 367–373
Stepanov K.L., Stanchits L.K., Stankevich Yu.A.
Radiation of strong shock waves in air: Part II
This paper is a continuation of [1], in which the structure of a radiating shock wave propagating in air with real thermodynamic and optical properties at an altitude of $H\le50$ km with a velocity of $D=10–50$ km/s is studied. A converging iteration process is constructed that enables one to use the distribution of the gasdynamic parameters and radiant fluxes along the mean optical variable, found in the first part of the paper ([1]), to determine the structure of radiating strong shock waves and the spectral and integral characteristics of radiation generated by a shock wave.
Article reference:
Stepanov K.L., Stanchits L.K., Stankevich Yu.A. Radiation of strong shock waves in air: Part II, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 3. P. 367
Stepanov K.L., Stanchits L.K., Stankevich Yu.A. Radiation of strong shock waves in air: Part II, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 3. P. 367