Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2000. V. 38. № 5. P. 715–721
Molodets A.M., Nabatov S.S.
Thermodynamic potentials, diagram of state, and phase transitions of tin on shock compression
The isochoric-isothermal potentials are constructed for white tin $\mathrm{Sn}_\beta$ and two high-pressure phases of this metal, $\mathrm{Sn}_\gamma$ and $\mathrm{Sn}_\sigma$. Based on these and previously obtained similar data for tin melt $\mathrm{Sn}_l$, a phase diagram of tin is constructed in the ranges of pressure from zero to $120$ GPa and temperature from $300$ to $7000$ K; the behavior of the shock adiabat of tin is then treated in the vicinity of its intersection with the obtained equilibrium lines of four phases.
Article reference:
Molodets A.M., Nabatov S.S. Thermodynamic potentials, diagram of state, and phase transitions of tin on shock compression, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 5. P. 715
Molodets A.M., Nabatov S.S. Thermodynamic potentials, diagram of state, and phase transitions of tin on shock compression, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 5. P. 715