Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2000. V. 38. № 6. P. 880–884
Nikitin E.D., Pavlov P.A.
Boiling of thermally unstable liquids in processes with rapid heating
A spontaneous boiling of liquids, the heating of which is accompanied by reactions of thermal decomposition, is treated. Results are given of measurements of the boiling temperature of liquids on the surface of a filament heater whose temperature rises at a rate of $10^5$–$10^8$ K/s. Based on the experimental data, a model is suggested for the calculation of the boiling temperature of thermally unstable liquids under conditions of rapid heating.
Article reference:
Nikitin E.D., Pavlov P.A. Boiling of thermally unstable liquids in processes with rapid heating, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 6. P. 880
Nikitin E.D., Pavlov P.A. Boiling of thermally unstable liquids in processes with rapid heating, High Temp., 2000. V. 38. № 6. P. 880