Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
1999. V. 37. № 2. P. 270–281
Starik A.M., Titova N.S., Yanovskii L.S.
Analysis of the singularities of the kinetics of combustion of the products of thermal destruction of $n$-octane mixed with air
Article reference:
Starik A.M., Titova N.S., Yanovskii L.S. Analysis of the singularities of the kinetics of combustion of the products of thermal destruction of $n$-octane mixed with air, High Temp., 1999. V. 37. № 2. P. 270
Starik A.M., Titova N.S., Yanovskii L.S. Analysis of the singularities of the kinetics of combustion of the products of thermal destruction of $n$-octane mixed with air, High Temp., 1999. V. 37. № 2. P. 270