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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Two-dimensional model of electron accelerator with plasma cathode
161Ulyanov K.N., Filippov A.A.
- Diagnostics of the plasma of a pulse-periodic $\mathrm{KrCl}/\mathrm{KrF}/\mathrm{Cl}_2$ molecular emitter
166Shuaibov A.K.
- Reverse-flow swirl heat insulation of plasma and gas flame
172Gutsol A.F., Kalinnikov V.T.
- Measurements of the gas temperature in a low-pressure radio-frequency discharge by the scanning calorimetry method
180Magunov A.N., Lukin O.V., Gasilov A.Yu.
- Calculation of the characteristics of an induction toroidal discharge of transformer type
187Kulumbaev E.B., Lelevkin V.M.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Density of natural lithium in condensed state
194Stankus S.V., Khairulin R.A.
- The vapor pressure of copper, tin, and $\mathrm{Cu}$–$\mathrm{Sn}$ alloys in the high-temperature region
198Subbotina O.Yu., Kishkoparov N.V., Frishberg I.V.
- Experimental investigation of the heat capacity of calcium fluoride in the temperature range of $300$–$1023$ K
204Lyusternik V.E., Chekhovskoi V.Ya., Peletskii V.E.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Three-dimensional boundary-value inverse heat-conduction problem
209Alifanov O.M., Nenarokomov A.V.
- The effect of temperature nonuniformity on the stability of swirling flow of gas in a round pipe
231Kazakov A.V., Kuryachii A.P.
- Characteristic regularities of flow before a body located in the near supersonic wake
244Pilyugin N.N., Khlebnikov V.S.
- An investigation of vortex flows of compressible gas involving the use of generalized hydrodynamic equations
250Alekseev B.V., Mikhailov V.V.
- Radiation of a spherical particle of semitransparent material
260Dombrovskii L.A.
- Analysis of the singularities of the kinetics of combustion of the products of thermal destruction of $n$-octane mixed with air
270Starik A.M., Titova N.S., Yanovskii L.S.
- Autoturbulization of gas flames: Analysis of experimental results
282Gostintsev Yu.A., Istratov A.G., Kidin N.I., Fortov V.E.
- Combustion and explosion in a closed conical chamber: Physical experiment
289Mineev V.N., Naboko I.M., Parshikov A.N., Petukhov V.A., Fortov V.E., Gostintsev Yu.A., Gusev P.A.
- Mathematical simulation of heat and mass transfer in a hydride accumulator of hydrogen
295Puzach S.V.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- True void fraction in rod bundles under conditions of low circulation rate and bubbling
302Svetlov S.V., Ilyukhin Yu.N., Alekseev S.B., Sidorov V.G., Kukhtevich V.O., Paramonova I.L.
Short Communications
- The dynamics of high-velocity ionizing wave in long discharge tubes
309Butin O.V., Vasilyak L.M.
- Thermal expansion of bismuthides of rare-earth elements of composition $\mathrm{Ln}_4\mathrm{Bi}_3$
312Abdusalyamova M.N., Rakhmatov O.I.
- Gasdynamic flow of explosion products in the channel of a slightly extended flat charge
314Bat'kov Yu.V., Kovtun A.D., Novikov S.A., Skokov V.I., Tolstikova L.A.
- Heat transfer in the turbulent boundary layer of compressible gas on a permeable surface under conditions of alternating injection–suction
317Vinogradov Yu.A., Ermolaev I.K., Leont'ev A.I.
- The effect of the concentration of particles on the intensity of pulsations of their velocities under conditions of turbulent flow of suspension of matter in gas in a pipe
321Varaksin A.Yu., Polezhaev Yu.V., Polyakov A.F.
- Corrections in the table of new reference data on the thermodynamic properties of potassium vapor
324Kuznetsova O.D., Semenov A.M.
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
- Stabilization of the temperature field in the process of sintering powdered materials
329Svetlov Yu.V., Bylinkin B.S.
- Singularities of heat and mass transfer under conditions of combustion of a liquid combustible load in a room with openings
330Puzach S.V.