Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2012. V. 50. № 2. P. 221–224
Popov S.G., Lysenko V.A., Proselkov V.N.
Thermodynamic simulation of phase equilibria in the $\mathrm{UO}_2$–$\mathrm{Gd_2O_3}$ system at high temperatures
Thermodynamic models of a $\mathrm{UO}_2$-based melt and cubic solid solution were developed on the basis of the most accurate measurements of the $\mathrm{UO}_2$–$\mathrm{Gd_2O_3}$ liquidus in a range of $0$–$30$ mol. % of $\mathrm{Gd_2O_3}$. These models enabled computing the phase diagram of this system in a temperature range of $1900$–$3200$ K for all composition varieties.
Article reference:
Popov S.G., Lysenko V.A., Proselkov V.N. Thermodynamic simulation of phase equilibria in the $\mathrm{UO}_2$–$\mathrm{Gd_2O_3}$ system at high temperatures, High Temp., 2012. V. 50. № 2. P. 221
Popov S.G., Lysenko V.A., Proselkov V.N. Thermodynamic simulation of phase equilibria in the $\mathrm{UO}_2$–$\mathrm{Gd_2O_3}$ system at high temperatures, High Temp., 2012. V. 50. № 2. P. 221