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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Efficiency of particle acceleration, heating, and melting in high-enthalpy plasma jets
145Dombrovskii L.A., Isakaev E.Kh., Senchenko V.N., Chinnov V.F., Shcherbakov V.V.
- Investigation of the processes of periodic plasma structure formation in transverse nanosecond discharge with a slotted cathode
154Ashurbekov N.A., Iminov K.O., Kobzeva V.S., Kobzev O.V.
- The influence of interaction between Rydberg atoms and slow electrons on distribution function in the ultracold plasma
161Zelener B.B., Zelener B.V., Manykin E.A., Khikhlukha D.R.
- Spectral properties of a diffuse-constricted arc discharge
167German V.O., Glinov A.P., Kozlov P.V., Lyubimov G.A.
- Free-molecule flow of neutral particles with density depleted by ionization
178Shumilin V.P., Shumilin A.V., Shumilin N.V.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Formation enthalpies of ruthenium fluorides: Ruthenium-fluoridizer agent systems
186Nikitin M.I., Zbezhneva S.G.
- Effective pair interionic interactions in supercompressed helium
194Shvets V.T., Kozitskii S.V., Shvets T.V.
- Experimental study of thermal conductivity of the $\mathrm{R}$-$407\mathrm{C}$ refrigerant in the vapor phase
200Verba O.I., Raschektaeva E.P., Stankus S.V.
- Molecular dynamics simulation of adsorption of ozone and nitrate ions by water clusters
204Galashev A.E.
- Heat capacity and elastic characteristics of monoatomic and organic liquids with account for cluster formation
214Melnikov G.A., Verveyko V.N., Melikhov Yu.F., Verveyko M.V., Polanskii A.V.
- Thermodynamic simulation of phase equilibria in the $\mathrm{UO}_2$–$\mathrm{Gd_2O_3}$ system at high temperatures
221Popov S.G., Lysenko V.A., Proselkov V.N.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Diffusion losses in a Gretzel solar cell
225Sigfusson T.I., Nakoryakov V.E., Gasenko V.G.
- Experimental investigation of the methods of energy supply to the external surface of models of flying vehicles
231Alfyorov V.I., Bushmin A.S., Dmitriev L.M.
- Transition of combustion into detonation within a channel with the diameter less than the critical diameter of the existence of stationary detonation
238Baklanov D.I., Golub V.V., Ivanov K.V., Krivokorytov M.S.
- Temperature of products of a hydrogen-air mixture explosion in conical cavity
244Onufriev S.V.
- Acoustic waves in two-fraction bubble liquid with phase transformations
250Gubaidullin D.A., Nikiforov A.A., Gafiyatov R.N.
- Nucleation of water vapors at temperatures above the boiling point in the presence of ion admixtures
255Shevkunov S.V.
- The thermal field of an oil layer for phase transformations within a limited temperature range
265Filippov A.I., Nandi K.K., Fattakhov R.G., Ishmuratov T.A.
- Convection equations in a strongly nonhomogeneous medium
273Zhukov V.P.
- Numerical modeling of heat exchange and turbulent flow of fluid within tubes at supercritical pressure
278Valueva E.P.
- Investigation of the mass loss of a carbon material within the framework of a complete thermochemical model of its destruction in the case of equilibrium chemical reactions in the boundary layer
286Gorskii V.V., Zabarko D.A., Olenicheva A.A.
Short Communications
- Thermal diffusivity of iron at high temperatures
292Gorbatov V.I., Polev V.F., Korshunov I.G., Taluts S.G.
- Features of flow and heat transfer for the jet interaction with a spherical cavity-shaped obstacle with a round edge
295Terekhov V.I., Kalinina S.V., Sharov K.A.
- Investigation of formation of an adsorption film by high-frequency dielectric spectrometry
298Zinnatullin R.R., Fatkhullina Yu.I., Kamaltdinov I.M.