
Plasma Investigations
1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 44–53
Shevkunov S.V.
Thermal breakdown on electron shell of $\mathrm{Be}^+$ in dense high-temperature plasma. Calculation by the Monte Carlo method
The mixed quantum state of the $\rm Be^+$ electron shell at temperatures of $10$–$30$ eV which is relatively stable in dense-plasma conditions is modeled by a numerical method based on the technique of Feynman path integrals. Interelectron correlations and interactions are described explicitly. It is shown that, in the preionizational state, the electron shell undergoes qualitative restructuring due to exchange-correlation effects.
Article reference:
Shevkunov S.V. Thermal breakdown on electron shell of $\mathrm{Be}^+$ in dense high-temperature plasma. Calculation by the Monte Carlo method, High Temp., 1991. V. 29. № 1. P. 44