Plasma Investigations
2014. V. 52. № 3. P. 356–360
Avramenko V.B.
The Coaxial Dielectric Source of a High-Purity Ablation Plasma with Transverse Outflow of a Plasma Jet
The developed coaxial dielectric source of a high-purity ablation (erosion) plasma at a low pressure has been studied experimentally. The use of a central dielectric rod makes it possible to increase the ablation surface area and to reduce the relative amount of impurities of the material of the electrodes. In the first approximation, a physical picture of the interaction of the magnetic field of the discharge current with the plasma jet flowing perpendicularly to the discharge channel has been proposed in terms of the reconnection of magnetic field lines.
Article reference:
Avramenko V.B. The Coaxial Dielectric Source of a High-Purity Ablation Plasma with Transverse Outflow of a Plasma Jet, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 3. P. 356
Avramenko V.B. The Coaxial Dielectric Source of a High-Purity Ablation Plasma with Transverse Outflow of a Plasma Jet, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 3. P. 356