Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2014. V. 52. № 3. P. 382–385
Kambolov D.A., Kashezhev A.Z., Kutuev R.A., Ponezhev M.Kh., Sozaev V.A., Shermetov A.Kh.
Polytherms of Density and Surface Tension of Bismuth Lead and of the Angle of Wetting of High-Nickel and Ferritic-Martensitic Steels by the $\mathrm{Pb}$–$\mathrm{Bi}$ Alloy
The large droplet method (in a graphite cup) was used to study the temperature dependences of density $\rho$ and surface tension $\sigma$ of bismuth lead ($\mathrm{Pb}$–$10\%$$\mathrm{Bi}$) in the temperature range from its melting point to $\sim1050$ K in a helium atmosphere. It was found that the $\rho(T)$ and $\sigma(T)$ dependences are close to linear and decrease with temperature. The sessile drop method (on a substrate) was used to study temperature dependences of the angle $\theta$ of wetting new high-nickel and ferritic-martensitic pressure vessel steels by bismuth lead in the above temperature range in a vacuum ($0.01$ Pa). It was shown that the steel substrates alloyed with aluminum are not wetted in the temperature range studied.
Article reference:
Kambolov D.A., Kashezhev A.Z., Kutuev R.A., Ponezhev M.Kh., Sozaev V.A., Shermetov A.Kh. Polytherms of Density and Surface Tension of Bismuth Lead and of the Angle of Wetting of High-Nickel and Ferritic-Martensitic Steels by the $\mathrm{Pb}$–$\mathrm{Bi}$ Alloy, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 3. P. 382
Kambolov D.A., Kashezhev A.Z., Kutuev R.A., Ponezhev M.Kh., Sozaev V.A., Shermetov A.Kh. Polytherms of Density and Surface Tension of Bismuth Lead and of the Angle of Wetting of High-Nickel and Ferritic-Martensitic Steels by the $\mathrm{Pb}$–$\mathrm{Bi}$ Alloy, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 3. P. 382