Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 841–846
Cherepanov A.N., Shapeev V.P., Isaev V.I.
Simulation of heat transfer processes in laser welding of dissimilar metals with an insert
A 3D model of heat transfer in inhomogeneous materials taking into account phase transitions is developed to analyze the process of laser welding of dissimilar metals with the use of an insert. Based on the proposed model, a numerical algorithm is constructed. The investigation of the distribution of temperature fields in the area of the welded joint of titanium and stainless steel with an intermediate copper insert is carried out. The processes of melting, vaporization, and solidification of materials are studied depending on the power of the laser beam and its speed and the position of the focal spot in the system. Modes of welding to reduce the interaction of the elements of the welded materials and thereby prevent the formation of brittle intermetallic phases in the weld are found.
Article reference:
Cherepanov A.N., Shapeev V.P., Isaev V.I. Simulation of heat transfer processes in laser welding of dissimilar metals with an insert, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 841
Cherepanov A.N., Shapeev V.P., Isaev V.I. Simulation of heat transfer processes in laser welding of dissimilar metals with an insert, High Temp., 2015. V. 53. № 6. P. 841