
Plasma Investigations
2011. V. 49. № 6. P. 775–787
Lebedev Yu.A., Tatarinov A.V., Epshtein I.L.
3D Simulation of Electrodynamics of a Microwave Low Pressure Discharge
The structure of microwave fields in a discharge chamber used for obtaining electrode microwave discharge is investigated. It is shown that $3D$–simulation allows quantitatively determining the optimumal structural parts of the discharge chamber for discharge generation. The represented results of self-consistent simulation of the discharge in nitrogen and hydrogen at a pressure of $1$ torr are qualitatively consistent with experimental results.
Article reference:
Lebedev Yu.A., Tatarinov A.V., Epshtein I.L. 3D Simulation of Electrodynamics of a Microwave Low Pressure Discharge, High Temp., 2011. V. 49. № 6. P. 775