Plasma Investigations
2014. V. 52. № 1. P. 41–47
Aleksandrov E.N., Zhestkov B.E., Kozlov S.N.
Simultaneous determination of the recombination probability of nitrogen and oxygen atoms on quartz
The state of the problem of the heterogeneous recombination of nitrogen and oxygen atoms has been considered. A setup for measuring the probability of the heterogeneous recombination of atoms using resonance florescence spectroscopy has been described. The main feature of this method is the possibility of simultaneous registration of the concentration of $\mathrm{N}$ and $\mathrm{O}$ atoms in the air mixture in strictly controlled conditions. The temperature dependences of the probability of the recombination of nitrogen and oxygen atoms separately and in the combined recombination process on the quartz surface in the range of $300$–$600$ K have been obtained. The proposed methodology also made it possible to start studying the mutual effect of the processes of the heterogeneous recombination of nitrogen and oxygen and to determine the fraction of the cross recombination.
Article reference:
Aleksandrov E.N., Zhestkov B.E., Kozlov S.N. Simultaneous determination of the recombination probability of nitrogen and oxygen atoms on quartz, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 1. P. 41
Aleksandrov E.N., Zhestkov B.E., Kozlov S.N. Simultaneous determination of the recombination probability of nitrogen and oxygen atoms on quartz, High Temp., 2014. V. 52. № 1. P. 41