Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2010. V. 48. № 1. P. 29–34
Litinski G.B.
Statistical thermodynamics of model polar fluids
The high-temperature behavior of model fluids of dipolar (DHS) and quadrupole (QHS) hard spheres is considered using the model of hindered rotation of molecules. It is demonstrated that, at some (critical) temperature, a percolation transition associated with disintegration of infinite chain is possible in DHS fluid. As to QHS fluid, the spatial gel-like structure is retained at all temperatures; it is only the “functionality” of particles that varies.
Article reference:
Litinski G.B. Statistical thermodynamics of model polar fluids, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 1. P. 29
Litinski G.B. Statistical thermodynamics of model polar fluids, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 1. P. 29