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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Magnetocumulative generator as the power supply for pulsed plasma accelerator
1Dudin S.V., Zhitluhin A.M., Kozlov A.V., Leont'ev A.A., Mintsev V.B., Ushnurtsev A.E., Fortov V.E., Cherkovets V.E., Shurupov A.V., Shurupova N.P.
- Average power input into a barrier discharge by pulsating electric current
7Skvotsov V.V.
- The simulation of ultraviolet radiation under conditions of re-entry of space vehicle from near-earth orbit
12Gorshkov A.B.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Redefinition of the unit of thermodynamic temperature in the international system of units
23Kalinin M.I., Kononogov S.A.
- Statistical thermodynamics of model polar fluids
29Litinski G.B.
- High-speed visualization of unsteady-state thermophysical experiment as a means of making it more informative and accurate
35Goryachev S.V., Peletskii V.E., Chinnov V.F.
- Processes in high-temperature air involving molecules and atoms in excited electron states
40Losev S.A., Yarygina V.N.
- The density of petroleum products in a wide range of parameters of state
47Grigor'ev B.A., Ovchinnikov N.A.
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
- Analysis of statistical model of heat transfer of particles in isotropic turbulence with constant temperature gradient
52Zaichik L.I., Bochkarev A.A.
- Numerical investigation of three-dimensional turbulent flow and endwall heat transfer in a large-scale cascade of turbine blades
57Levchenja A.M., Smirnov E.M.
- Mathematical simulation of electromagnetic stirring of liquid steel in a DC arc furnace
68Smirnov S.A., Kalaev V.V., Nehamin S.M., Krutjanskii M.M., Kolgatin S.N., Nehamin I.S.
- The critical heat flux under boiling and its dependence on the characteristics of heat-transfer wall
77Gogonin I.I.
- Temperature field of radioactive isotopes in a porous medium
88Filippov A.I., Mikhailov P.N., Ivanov D.V.
- Investigation of low-temperature plasma generator with divergent channel of the output electrode and some applications of this generator
97Isakaev E.Kh., Sinkevich O.A., Tyuftyaev A.S., Chinnov V.F.
Short Communications
- A multichannel discharge in conducting liquid at atmospheric pressure
126Bagautdinova L.N., Gaisin F.M.
- The localization of energy of high-voltage pulses in a discharge of unipolar breakdown of gas, which is initiated via single coating-electrode
129Gerasimov I.V., Kopeikina T.P., Suhov A.K.
- Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and heat capacity of unsaturated hydrocarbons at pressures up to $200$ MPa
132Zaripov Z.I., Muhamedzjanov G.H., Bulaev S.A.
- Measurement of thermal diffusivity of nuclear engineering materials by the flash method
136Kruglov A.B., Kruglob V.B., Tenishev A.V.
- Excitation of acoustic vibrations under conditions of condensation of moist steam in a heated channel
140Pesochin V.R.