Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 1. P. 68–76
Smirnov S.A., Kalaev V.V., Nehamin S.M., Krutjanskii M.M., Kolgatin S.N., Nehamin I.S.
Mathematical simulation of electromagnetic stirring of liquid steel in a DC arc furnace
Results are given of numerical simulation of electromagnetic stirring of metal melt in a dc arc furnace. The flow pattern and the transport of passive admixture in baths with one and two electrodes are studied. The mathematical model describes three-dimensional turbulent flow of electrically conducting liquid in the field of gravitational and electromagnetic forces. The parameters of turbulence are calculated in two approximations, namely, unsteady-state approximation by the large eddy simulation (LES) model and quasisteady-state approximation by the $k$ –$\varepsilon$; model.
Article reference:
Smirnov S.A., Kalaev V.V., Nehamin S.M., Krutjanskii M.M., Kolgatin S.N., Nehamin I.S. Mathematical simulation of electromagnetic stirring of liquid steel in a DC arc furnace, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 1. P. 68
Smirnov S.A., Kalaev V.V., Nehamin S.M., Krutjanskii M.M., Kolgatin S.N., Nehamin I.S. Mathematical simulation of electromagnetic stirring of liquid steel in a DC arc furnace, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 1. P. 68