Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
1977. V. 15. № 5. P. 892–899
Belov G.Ya.
Flat temperature waves in a semitransparent absorbing and scattering medium
An approximate method is proposed for the analytic investigation of the amplitude-phase characteristics of harmonic oscillations of temperature and power in a planar layer of a semitransparent medium. In this problem allowance is made for volume absorption, radiation, scattering, selectivity of optical properties, and a certain degree of transparency of the boundary surfaces. The solution of the linearized radiation-conduction heat-transfer equation is based on an approximation of the complex amplitude of the temperature oscillations in terms of a polynomial of a certain degree and on determination of the coefficients of this polynomial by the collocation method.
Article reference:
Belov G.Ya. Flat temperature waves in a semitransparent absorbing and scattering medium, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 5. P. 892
Belov G.Ya. Flat temperature waves in a semitransparent absorbing and scattering medium, High Temp., 1977. V. 15. № 5. P. 892