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Issue index |
Issue index
Plasma Investigations
- Strong shock waves in a nonideal plasma
792Protasov Yu.S.
- Experimental determination of the length and characteristics of the initial section of a laminar flow in a stabilized electric arc
805Pakhomov E.P., Yartsev I.M.
- Effect of a strong localized disturbance on the properties of an arc in the axial flow of a gas
813Lebedev A.D., Lyagushkin V.P.
- Cathode spots on metallic electrodes of a vacuum arc-discharge
818Beilis I.I.
- High-repetition-rate pulsed $\rm CO_2$ laser
824Baranov V.Yu., Klepach G.M., Malyuta D.D., Mezhevov V.S., Niziev V.G., Chalkin S.F.
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
- Emissivity of stoichiometric zirconium carbide
832Petrov V.A., Radzyukevich T.E., Sokolov V.V.
- Method of measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films normal to the layer
841Egorov B.N., Kilesso V.S., Komarov A.G.
- Thermophysical properties of monobismuthides of rare-earth metals of the yttrium subgroup
846Kovenskaya B.A., Abdusalamova M.N., Abdusalyamova M.N., Abulhaev V.D.
- Effect of fractional composition on the thermal conductivity of carbon charges in vacuum
850Lutkov A.I., Mikhailov V.N.
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
- Pool boiling of water heated by distributed internal heat sources
857Kurtzman E.D., Suvorov L.Ya., ?rschler B.V.
- Calculation of turbulent momentum and heat transfer in pipe flow of a gas with variable physical properties
861Maksin P.L., Petukhov B.S., Polyakov A.F.
- Heat transfer to liquid metals in regular arrays of fuel elements
868Ushakov P.A., Zhukov A.V., Matyukhin N.M.
- Heat transfer and resistance in pipe flow of dissociating dinitrogen tetroxide. Turbulent flow
874Petukhov B.S., Shikov V.K.
- Flat temperature waves in a semitransparent absorbing and scattering medium
892Belov G.Ya.
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
- Method for taking account of the effect of chemical kinetics on the thermodynamic properties of the working body in supersonic MHD generators
905Prusova N.M., Pshenichnov N.N.
- Selection of the optimal configuration of the frame and the form of the transverse cross section of a frame-type MHD channel
918Bityurin V.A., Medin S.A.