Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2010. V. 48. № 4. P. 527–533
Kaplun A.B., Meshalkin A.B.
Oscillation methods in thermophysical and physicochemical investigations
High-precision oscillation methods for investigation of the physicochemical properties of various liquids, including the parameters of their crystallization, are briefly described. The principle of operation of these methods is given, as well as the scheme of the measuring cell, calculation formulas, and some experimental results of many years of integrated studies of the coefficient of viscosity and processes of crystallization-melting of solutions and melts which differ from one another by physical nature. It is demonstrated that more than ten parameters and characteristics of systems under investigation may be determined in a single experiment, including viscosity, liquidus temperature in the stable and metastable regions of states, nominal rate of crystallization, and a number of other characteristics. It is found that the precision and information content of the thus developed methods are greatly superior to those of the method of differential-thermal analysis which is most extensively employed at present.
Article reference:
Kaplun A.B., Meshalkin A.B. Oscillation methods in thermophysical and physicochemical investigations, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 4. P. 527
Kaplun A.B., Meshalkin A.B. Oscillation methods in thermophysical and physicochemical investigations, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 4. P. 527