Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2010. V. 48. № 4. P. 583–587
Attetkov A.V., Volkov I.K., Tverskaja E.S.
Axisymmetric temperature field of isotropic half-space under local unsteady-state heating by environment
Methods of mathematical simulation are used to investigate the special features of the process of formation of temperature field in isotropic half-space under its unsteady-state heating by environment via circular contact spot of variable radius.
Article reference:
Attetkov A.V., Volkov I.K., Tverskaja E.S. Axisymmetric temperature field of isotropic half-space under local unsteady-state heating by environment, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 4. P. 583
Attetkov A.V., Volkov I.K., Tverskaja E.S. Axisymmetric temperature field of isotropic half-space under local unsteady-state heating by environment, High Temp., 2010. V. 48. № 4. P. 583